This story happened in Karaganda. It is a small provincial city in Kazakhstan. Karaganda was the nearest city where my new friend and I had the opportunity to rent a hotel for a couple of weeks.
The price for taxis in this city was pretty low compared to the usual prices in Russia. It is why we used taxis every day to move inside the city.
Usually, we ordered one cab for two or three people, but sometimes I had to move alone to sort out my own tasks.
When you use cabs everyday conversation with the driver becomes part of your daily routine. I prefer don’t speak with unknown people but in the case of provincial taxi drivers often it is no option. They see your dress, hear your accent and very fast recognize that you are foreign in this city. Conversation with you is a good chance to not die of boredom right in the car.
In that days almost all conversations with drivers had a very similar scenario. Where are you from? What do you do? What do you think about the last events in Russia?
Once I ordered an economy cab for myself but in the true sense of why this was so a low-priced taxi I understood only where my usual conversation turned to an unexpected side.

Right after a question about my profession (i am a web developer) taxi driver with enthusiasm asked.
– Maybe you know how to detect where is concrete Telegram user from Russia?
– I’m not sure it is possible. But if you have their mobile phone number you can detect a person using darkweb sites. For money of course. But why it is interesting for you.
– My guys and I want to shake up the drag dealer!
– I hope you understand how it is dangerous.
– It’s no bother me. Nowadays I heard in Novosibirsk dudes shook up one. Easy money! What could he do with me? Nothing.
– You’re a really tough man.
– Do you want me to go to war instead of you?
– O_o … No thank you.
– Yea! I going illegally cross the border of the Donbas. I’m tired of being a cab driver and want to make some money now.
Then we went some time in silence but unfortunately not too long.
– Do you wanna girls?
– What?
– Well, I can organize girls for you and your friends.
– No, thank you.
– Why?
– We are going to leave the city tomorrow morning. Very early.
That last phrase was my awkward attempt to defend myself from this strange too active man who knew where I lived.
Sometimes a taxi is cheap not only because of a too old car.